Monday, September 7, 2009


Highlights of the past two months:

- Carly turned 26 involving dinner at an EXCELLENT Mexican Restaurant called Los Amates in Fitzroy where we had Pastor and Mole....mmmmm Also good bar called Luck Coq on Chapel Street. Nate brought me a purple chocolate hippo from the factory.

- Nate turned 27 yesterday. We celebrated at the Melbourne zoo with some funny monkeys, an active koala, an excited baboon (hehe), some very cool giraffes and fun with the mono pod (an instrument to put on the camera to take pictures of ourselves, like a long arm)

- Nate's still plugging away at the chocolate factory bringing home lots of treats

- Carly is working at the day care Wed and Th. Doing subbing through a new agency the other days as an actual certified Australian accredited teacher (3 months later I have VIT)

- A package arrived from home (thanks Mom and Ken) containing some very exciting items: deodorant, mac n'chs, Frank's Red Hot, marshmallows, graham crackers, and JIF

- Fun times were had at the Mountain Goat Brewery in Richmond. Yummy Organic Steam Ale, Stouts and best pizza in AUS yet

- Trivia nights at the College Lawn

It's officially Spring (as of Sept 1)! We are anxiously awaiting summer and some fun times at the beach. I picked up a cooler at the Salvation Army (they call it Salvos here) and it's teasing me from the porch calling my name "Carly let's go to the beach. Use me, go ahead."

Things are pretty expensive as a whole in AUS I'd say. We are trying to save and starting to think about next year. We discussed maybe buying a van to travel around the country with in Feb. No decisions have been made yet.

Bye for now.

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